Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Better Indexes $ave You Money

Can database performance improvements be achieved with zero code changes? Learn how to use one simple advanced technique to make better MySQL indexes and improve your queries by 500% or more. Even with a highly indexed schema as shown in our 10 table join example, significant improvements in performance can be achieved.

This presentation introduces the approach for correct identification and verification of problem SQL statements and then describes the means of identifying index choices for optimization. Then discussed is not only how to apply indexes to improve query performance, but how to apply better indexes and provide even great performance gains.

This presentation includes:

  • 6 steps to successful SQL review
  • Basic ways via application logging and TCP/IP analysis to capture SQL
  • All the commands necessary to identify why and how to create indexes
  • How the number of table rows and different storage engines can effect query performance
  • How to create an iterative verification process

Adding indexes is not the only approach nor the best approach to query optimization however learning how MySQL indexes work can provide quick improvements without the need to deploy code changes.

Presenter: Ronald Bradford
Schedule: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 in New York


  1. Thank you for the presentation Ronald, it was very informative indeed.

    One funny piece of trivia was that, there were a bunch of mac books, an ipad, a linux thinkpad and a pen and paper …. no windows :) .

    See you at the next effectivemysql meetup!